
Workflow Diagram

SoFAIR webinar announcement: Towards Reusability and Reproducibility of Research: A Scalable Workflow for Research Software Archival with CORE and Software Heritage

We are pleased to invite you to the webinar “Towards Reusability and Reproducibility of Research: A Scalable Workflow for Research Software Archival with CORE and Software Heritage”, organised as part of the international and interdisciplinary SoFAIR project (, an initiative aimed at developing AI-assisted tools for the extraction of software mentions from research manuscripts to

SoFAIR Project at Open Repositories and CHIST-ERA Projects Seminar

We were excited to attend the annual international Open Repositories (OR) Conference this year as representatives of the SoFAIR Project. The OR Conference is an important event in the field of open knowledge, open source, and digital preservation. It brings together librarians, developers, repository managers, and others who are focused on making scholarly outputs accessible

SoFAIR logo

Meet the SoFAIR project partners

In this blog post, we’re going to introduce you to the partners of the SoFAIR project. Each partner brings something different to the table, which is essential for achieving our project’s goals. You’ll get to know the diverse institutions and teams that contribute to the success of SoFAIR, and we’ll highlight their roles and the

SoFAIR is live! Kickoff, progress and website launch

This spring saw the launch of the multi-national SoFAIR project (Making Software FAIR: A machine-assisted workflow for the research software lifecycle), coordinated by The Open University and involving teams from six institutions across 5 countries. The project is funded by a €494k research grant in the international CHISTERA Open Research Data & Software Call which